Illustration of a person experiencing symptoms of spiritual illness, including red eyes, headaches, back pain, and emotional distress, with icons representing spiritual, emotional, and physical signs, related to Ruqyah diagnosis.

How to Self-Diagnose for Ruqyah

Identifying Signs of Spiritual Illnesses

Ruqyah is an Islamic spiritual healing practice used to treat individuals suffering from spiritual ailments caused by the evil eye, envy, jinn possession, or black magic. If you believe you might be affected by these spiritual issues, there are several signs and symptoms you can look out for to help identify the need for Ruqyah. These signs manifest in various physical, emotional, and mental forms. Below are some common indicators, but keep in mind that not everyone will experience all of these symptoms.

Physical Symptoms:

  1. Eye Discomfort:
    • Redness or irritation in the eyes
    • Persistent eye twitching or heaviness
    • Blurred vision or sudden loss of vision
  2. Head and Neck Pain:
    • Constant headaches or dizziness without a medical cause
    • A feeling of heaviness or tightness in the shoulders
    • Chronic neck pain or stiffness in the shoulders
  3. Back and Abdominal Discomfort:
    • Persistent back pain
    • Abdominal bloating or excessive gas
    • Unexplained pain that moves around the body
  4. Exhaustion and Fatigue:
    • Feeling tired and drained throughout the day, even after rest
    • Lack of physical energy or motivation to complete daily tasks
  5. Skin and Body Reactions:
    • Pale or discolored skin
    • Skin itching or other unexplained skin conditions
    • Sensation of dryness, even with adequate hydration
  6. General Physical Illness:
    • Recurring illnesses or physical ailments that do not respond to medical treatment
    • A series of diseases or health issues that occur one after another
    • Medication failing to heal physical symptoms

Emotional and Mental Symptoms:

  1. Emotional Instability:
    • Persistent feelings of depression, sadness, or hopelessness
    • Extreme irritability or frequent anger outbursts
    • Unexplainable fear of the future
  2. Mental Confusion:
    • Difficulty making decisions or feeling indecisive
    • Loss of self-confidence or frequent self-doubt
    • Personality shifts or feelings of being “disconnected” from oneself
  3. Psychological Symptoms:
    • Anxiety, constant worry, or feeling overwhelmed
    • A strong sense of isolation or loneliness
    • Persistent fear of being alone
  4. Disruptions in Daily Life:
    • Sleep disturbances, such as insomnia or restless sleep
    • Nightmares, particularly involving demonic or frightening themes
    • Paranoia, such as feeling watched or sensing a presence around you

Behavioral and Social Symptoms:

  1. Spiritual Struggles:
    • Inability or extreme difficulty performing daily prayers (Salah)
    • Lack of interest in reading or listening to the Quran
    • Struggling to engage in religious activities
  2. Social and Family Issues:
    • Constant tension or arguments within the family
    • People seem to avoid you or show discomfort around you
    • Marital problems, such as a sudden aversion to your spouse
  3. Career and Financial Setbacks:
    • Stalled or disrupted progress in your work, business, or job search
    • Financial difficulties, despite efforts to improve your situation
    • Obstacles preventing you from traveling or succeeding in your career
  4. Home Environment:
    • Smelling unpleasant odors in the home with no clear source
    • Finding unexplained blood spots or tears in clothing

Common Psychological and Spiritual Symptoms:

  1. Sleep Paralysis: Experiencing episodes where you cannot move or speak while waking up or falling asleep.
  2. Despair and Hopelessness: Frequent feelings of giving up, and a constant sense of failure.
  3. Rebellious Children: Sudden disobedience or lack of respect from children towards their parents.
  4. Distorted Female Health: Hormonal imbalances, irregular menstruation, or fertility issues in women without any medical explanation.
  5. Marital Problems: Extreme marital discord, where a wife or husband develops a sudden, unexplainable dislike for their spouse.
  6. Other Signs:
    • Sensation of something or someone being around you even when alone.
    • Physical numbness in limbs or unexplained tingling sensations.


If you notice any combination of these symptoms, you may be experiencing a spiritual illness that could benefit from Ruqyah treatment. While it is important to rule out medical explanations for your symptoms, spiritual issues can sometimes present in similar ways. Seeking Ruqyah from a qualified practitioner, alongside maintaining trust in Allah and performing regular prayers, can help alleviate these issues. Never underestimate the power of patience and faith in overcoming spiritual challenges.

If you continue to feel symptoms, especially after medical treatments have been exhausted, Ruqyah could provide the healing you need. Be consistent with your prayers and consult with an expert in Ruqyah to ensure the best results. If you notice any of these signs, please contact us directly for consultation and help.

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